Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa Mason City, IA |
G-NAV: FAA: IA47 | |||||
Coord: | N 43° 09' 01" x W 93° 12' 55" 43° 09.02' x -93° 12.92' 43.15034200 x -93.21534400 |
Heliport Information | |||||
Hazards: | Light poles and trees around pad. Mercy One aircraft may be staged on helipad. | ||||
Size: | 85x85 | Max Wt: | |||
Surface: | Concrete | Lighting: | Yes |
Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa Mason City, IA |
Communication | |||||||||||||||
Comm: | Freq: | ||||||||||||||
Phone: | AWOS: | ||||||||||||||
Nearest Fuel | |||||||||||||||
Nearest Specialty Centers | |||||||||||||||